Wellness Prostate

Man Getting his health checked

Are Physical Prostate Exams Mandatory?

Most men over the age of 50 have experienced the physical prostate exam.

This is not only a potentially embarrassing procedure but adds a great bit of uncomfortability to the man’s psyche as well as his physical body.

The physical exam, for those who don’t know, is when a doctor examines the man’s prostate by inserting a
finger into his rectum.

It only takes a minute or two to search for lumps but it’s an awkward couple of minutes.

Many men want to avoid it at all costs.

Do You Have To Take the Physical Exam?

Much has been made about the PSA test as another way to check for prostate cancer.

It’s a wonderful test that gives you an early clue into your health.

In many cases, a good check on the PSA test means you don’t need a physical exam.

Those who can realistically opt out of a rectal exam are younger men with no history of prostate or cancer.

The rectal exam is entirely optional for most men but most doctors recommend it.

Some will even insist on it if you have a bad PSA result, a history of cancer or prostate problems or if your
family has a history of prostate cancer.

What If I Really Don’t Want It?

The choice is entirely up to you but you shouldn’t let the fear of a rectal exam keep you from getting screened by your doctor.

Get the PSA test and talk to your doctor about your fears or concerns over the rectal exam.

Older men are at a higher risk for prostate cancer and should include a rectal exam with their PSA test as part of their screening.

The risk of getting it increases with age but the good news is few men die from it.

There are excellent treatments now that allow for a full recovery.

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