Lifestyle Fashion

Clothes and men's accessories

3 Ways to Save Money on Mens Clothes

Men want to dress fashionably and some worry about the cost of being up-to-date in their closet.

It doesn’t have to be an expensive venture if you plan out your purchases correctly.

Smart men can save money on clothes by educating themselves on clothes, creating a clothing purchase list and then only buying what you need.

Getting a Fashion Education

You don’t have to suddenly buy up all the fashion magazines or stay on the computer to learn about men’s fashion.

Some topics you should brush up on are fashion for your age group, getting the perfect fit, and trends for the season.

Men should also find out about alterations and how they can make any outfit make you look a lot sexier.

Create a List

Any man wishing to update their wardrobe needs to take a serious look at their current closet and decide on things that would work with what you already own.

A little known detail about clothes is that even old, dated clothing can suddenly be stylish by changing just one thing or mixing it with other elements.

Buy Only What You Need

It’s easy to get carried away with clothes shopping.

After all, women do it all the time. However, men on a budget must be more selective.

You need to buy clothes that complete your wardrobe, not just add to it.

You should have some good jeans, at least one pair of casual pants, some cool casual shirts, at least one or two dress shirts, a tie or two, a nice leather or all-purpose outer jacket and a suit.

Shoes should include sneakers, casual, sandals, and a pair of nice dress shoes.

Naturally, you include undergarments and socks.

Beyond that, everything is extra.


Looking good isn’t rocket science.

Look for quality clothes that are sold on sale.

Make sure they mix and match with each other and with what you already wear.

Make sure they fit well. Following these simple rules will make you look good every time you go out.

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