Chemotherapy is a form of chemical drug therapy that’s used to destroy rapidly growing cells in the body. It can be given as a curative agent, to prolong and to improve the quality of life of a patient. The indications for chemotherapy in most cancers is usually based on the degree of severity – and prostate cancer is not any different.
Chemotherapy is an important therapy and is used in the treatment of prostate cancer. If the tumor is aggressive or has advanced quickly, chemotherapy may be the suggested course of treatment. To better understand when chemotherapy is used, here’s what you should know:
When is chemotherapy used to treat prostate cancer?
Compared to lots of cancers, prostate cancer grows rather slowly. This gives it a better prognosis than most. The 5-year survival rate is as high as about 97.8%, according to the National Cancer Institute. Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that involves taking drugs that rapidly kill the dividing cells. They contain chemicals that kill cancer cells, while the other healthy cells in your body such as bone marrow are protected.
When prostate cancer is in its early stage, chemotherapy is not a standard treatment option. But for advanced prostate cancer (e.g. stage 4 prostate cancer), this cancer therapy is a viable option. It is used for aggressive cancer that has metastasized to other organs and parts of the body as well. Most caregivers administer the chemotherapy with androgen deprivation therapy or an anti-hormone therapy.
Seek early treatment
It is important to start cancer treatment early to have the best outcome. As soon as you notice any symptoms, you should consult your physician and discuss a treatment plan. If cancer goes undetected for some time, it’s best to seek treatment as soon as the condition is diagnosed. Chemotherapy is an aggressive treatment, so be sure to discuss expectations with your doctor.