Wellness Sleep

Male awake in bed terrified

Why Should Men Be Worried About Night Sweats?

Sweating is a cooling procedure that helps maintain your body’s temperature. The amount of sweat you
produce usually depends on humidity and temperature, and it also depends on physical exertion which
causes internal heat.

A small area in the brain called the hypothalamus gives an alert whenever your body signals that your core temperature is rising. Certain sweat glands are activated which secretes clear odorless fluid, composed
mainly of water that evaporates and cools your body.

Other emotions such as stress, anxiety, and fear can also have factors in sweating. Not only that but also
alcohol, spicy foods, medical treatments, and specific medications.

Hyperhidrosis is a term used if your heavy sweating becomes persistent. If it occurs at night it is called
nocturnal hyperhidrosis. Our body cools down a degree or two during sleep so nocturnal hyperhidrosis can be a sign of an underlying problem.

What are the causes of night sweats?

The causes of night sweats may be infection, hypoglycemia, HIV, and cancer such as leukemia and
lymphoma. Alcohol and tobacco could also be the cause of night sweats. Even medications for diabetes and depression can be the reason behind it.

Another possible cause of night sweats in men is low testosterone. It’s common among aging men and it’s a hormonal condition that can be verified with a blood test. Type 2 diabetes and being overweight have been linked to low testosterone.

Low testosterone can also indicate an infection of pituitary gland disease, autoimmune disease, or kidney or liver infection. If you are diagnosed with low testosterone you may need additional testing.

How to avoid getting night sweats

Some researchers linked night sweats to gastroesophageal reflux disease. This occurs when the band of
muscle at the lower part of the esophagus is incapable of preventing the contents of the stomach from going backward.

Night sweats have various triggers that’s why makes it difficult to spot the source. If you are experiencing night sweats and your doctor doesn’t have any opinion regarding the issue, it would be best to consider seeking
another doctor’s opinion.

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