Wellness Sleep

Top 4 Reasons Men Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is the magical elixir that everyone needs and no one seems to get enough of. With work schedules, family time, and trying to fit in time to work out, enjoy a hobby, or hang out with a friend, sleep is the most likely candidate to get pushed aside. Most adult men do not get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night. Though some sleep problems are easier to fix than others, with some thought and a little bit of effort you should be able to get more sleep.

  1. Caffeine

Caffeine causes a few different problems to the circadian rhythm cycle of men’s bodies. Too much caffeine can make you jittery and nervous, which then makes it harder to get solid shut-eye. Additionally, even if you only ingest a little caffeine, if it is within four hours of bedtime it can still keep you awake. 

  1. Enlarged prostate

Also known as prostatic hyperplasia, this is a condition that causes men to feel as though they have to go to the bathroom frequently. This not only wakes men up at night, but also causes daytime sleepiness.

  1. Stress

 The more anxious and stressed a man is during the day, the harder it will be for him to unwind before bed. Sometimes men turn to alcohol to calm their stress before bedtime, but drinking alcohol can have the opposite effect than the desired outcome. 

  1. Poor sleep habits

With all the responsibilities that men face today, they often fall into some poor sleep habits. Whether you drift off in front of the television, or ruin bedtime with an afternoon nap, old habits die hard and often get in the way of the best healthy ways to sleep. Experts agree that men should go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, as well as avoid screen time before bedtime. Avoiding caffeine is smart, and avoiding drinks before bedtime altogether will help you avoid middle of the night trips to the bathroom. 

No matter which particular cause of insomnia fits your description, eliminating a few things like caffeine, or adding a solid nighttime ritual can help you get the rest your body craves.

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