Sleep deprivation not only affects your mood but your heart. When you lack sleep, you are putting yourself at risk for several types of cardiovascular conditions and other problems such as high blood, high cholesterol, stroke, and obesity.
Less sleep = more damage
Dr. Jenna Liphart Rhoads, a nurse, and educator shared her expertise on sleep and how it affects your heart.
“If a person does not get at least seven hours of sleep a night they are at a higher risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease,” explained Dr. Liphart Rhoads.
“Your blood pressure lowers while sleeping, and someone who does not get enough sleep will have continued elevated blood pressure resulting in chronic hypertension. Chronic hypertension can restrict the amount of blood blow and oxygen to the cardiac tissues which can result in tissue damage.”
Your body tissues get rest and repair
As you sleep, your heart rate and blood pressure lower. Dr. Liphard Rhoads added, “Sleep allows the body tissues to rest and repair themselves from any damage or injuries. Lack of sleep may result in the body not being able to repair the tissues effectively.”
Plan ahead for a peaceful sleep
First, you will sleep better if you put away all of your technology at least an hour before you go to sleep. The stimulus from technology keeps your mind wandering and can cause stress.
Second, keep your room dark and cool. Set your temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Yes, it seems cold, but that is why you have blankets.
Third, don’t eat and drink foods that send you to the bathroom. Overly rich and spicy foods will leave your stomach on high alert all night.
Finally, if you find yourself losing sleep, it’s time to call your medical provider and see if you can find a solution.