You’re sitting at your office desk sipping coffee when your watch alarm buzzes. Where did the hour go? You grimace as you realize an angry boss is in your future. How did you forget to complete the one contract the boss needs? Brain fog may be the sneaky culprit.
Brain fog defined
“People who experience brain fog often describe it as a sense of confusion or disorganization, disorientation, or feeling scattered. A diminished ability to react and difficulty thinking, expressing your thoughts or thinking through complex situations or calculations can all be considered brain fog,” says the US News and World Report.
Brain fog can be the result of various factors like poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and mental health issues.
Sleep deprivation
An important cause of brain fog is sleep deprivation. Continual sleep loss impairs your:
- Problem-solving skills
- Decision making including risk-taking
- Impulsivity
- Short and long memory
- Attention span
- Sex drive
Sleep loss leads to confusion. It can give you that fuzzy hangover feeling like you drank and partied late last night with your friends.
Best treatment: Get 6-8 hours of adequate sleep
To dissipate your brain fog, take specific actions to allow for more hours in a deep slumber. You need anywhere in the neighborhood of six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
- Get more exercise including cardio, weights, and stretching.
- Drink more water.
- Indulge in fewer caffeinated drinks.
- Choose a healthy diet and don’t eat late at night.
- Turn off your phone/screens an hour before bed.
- Turn off the TV in the bedroom.
If you still experience brain fog due to sleep challenges, you may want to try a supplement of melatonin, and seek advice from your medical provider. You don’t want your nighttime difficulties ruining your day time adventures.