One simple solution that can enhance your sleep is to add pleasant smells to your bedroom.
Sleep experts state that scents that are associated with pleasant memories and happy moods can induce calmness and relaxation.
Types of scents
Some universal scents can have a positive impact on anyone’s sleep. Studies using essential oils showed that many people benefit from the smell. Pleasant smells also helped improve the sleep for veterans suffering from post-traumatic-stress disorders (PTSD).
Studies show there aren’t any side effects when people use aromatherapy.
The best scents for sleep include lavender, rose, and Roman chamomile. Lavender has been studied more than most other types of scents and showed improved sleep in multiple research studies. Lavender has
positive effects on mood, heart rate, and blood pressure.
Roses were shown in studies to enhance both sleep and mood of depression patients when they inhale air
infused with rose essential oils.
Roman chamomile helped patients in one clinical study have deeper and better sleep when the essential oil was applied to their bedtime pillows.
Other scents that you can use for nighttime relaxation are jasmine, cedar extract, and Ylang-Ylag.
Jasmine has been tested on voluntary sleep patients but hasn’t faced any serious trial studies. It did produce more effective sleep in that the person in the bed spent more time sleeping than trying to go to sleep or
waking up at night.
Cedar extract also hasn’t faced any extensive peer-reviewed studies but was shown to help daytime sleepers fall asleep more quickly.
Ylang-Ylag oil from its small, yellow flower is known to kill bacteria, lower blood pressure, promote relaxation, and increase sexual desire.
Using essential oils to improve sleep is a safe, easy, and inexpensive way to achieve sleep that will leave you relaxed and rested.
It can help relax you, improve your vital numbers, and put you in a good mood.
Essential oils are easy to find in health stores and online so anyone can add them to a bedtime routine.