All data shows that technology use before bed is contributing to a sleepless society.
Sleep experts said it’s up to people to turn off their electronics earlier and create new habits that help sleep.
The Data
Studies show that 35 percent of adults, 72 percent of teens, and 25 percent of children don’t get enough sleep.
Technology bears a lot of the blame, according to the National Sleep Foundation.
A 2011 poll indicated that 95 percent of people admitted to using electronics before bedtime.
The array of products, from tablets, cell phones, and e-readers, has made the problem of getting good sleep worse.
Separate studies show that 70 percent of adults and 75 percent of children use their electronics either in bed or before going to bed.
Why Electronics Affect Sleep
Several reasons exist on why using electronics before going to bed affects sleep.
It delays going to sleep.
It stimulates your brain, making falling asleep more difficult.
The blue light interferes with the production of melatonin, which helps people sleep, and can also throw off your natural sleep rhythm.
Create a Tech-Free Bedroom
Most people have at least five types of electronics from televisions to cellphones.
Create a tech-free bedroom by limiting what comes into the space.
Keep most outside the bedroom and don’t turn on TVs.
Set a consistent lights-out time.
This may take some time to retrain your body to adjust to the sleep time but you should be able to adjust within a few weeks.
Going to bed at the same time every night is one of the most important things you can do to get a good night’s rest.
Keep a book or some print magazines by your bed.
Reading a print version will help you sleep when looking at electronic print keeps you awake.
Plus, printed material will help you get over any electronic withdrawal that comes from a fear of missing out on something.
It will be different to create a tech-free bedroom but your body will thank you.
You soon will be sleeping better and deeper than ever.