Wellness Sleep

woman meditating in bed

5 Ways to Fall Asleep Fast

If you are one of those people who struggle falling asleep, and don’t get to experience the quality sleep you deserve, this article will teach you some techniques that could help. Here are 5 ways to help you fall asleep faster:

1. Use the 4/7/8 breathing method

This method is based on breath control techniques. It’s a breathing pattern that relaxes the nervous system. It can be utilized any time you’re stressed or anxious.

Here are the steps for the 4/7/8 method:

1. Place the tip of your tongue at the back of your upper front teeth.
2. Exhale through your mouth while making a ‘whoosh’ sound.
3. Close your mouth then inhale through your nose and mentally count to 4.
4. Hold your breath then mentally count to and exhale through your mouth.
6. Repeat the cycle three more times.

2. Lower the room temperature

Having a warm room might be one of the reasons you are not falling asleep faster. Set the thermostat to a cooler temperature between 15.6-19.4°C.

Taking a shower before going to bed could help sleep quality and efficiency because this helps in lowering the body temperature.

3. Practice meditation

Meditation enhances melatonin levels in the body and it assists the brain in achieving a certain state where you can easily achieve sleep.

4. Don’t check the time

The behavior of watching the clock is common among people with insomnia. This causes anxiety about
sleeplessness. If you often wake up in the middle of the night without falling back to sleep, it may be a reason for your body to develop a routine.

5. Practice writing before going to bed

Set aside 15 minutes every night to write about your day. Focus on both positive events and what you felt that day.

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