Wellness Prostate

Older Couple sitting on couch drinking coffee

Your Daily Cup of Coffee May Prevent Prostate Cancer

Could coffee drinking be a preventative action for prostate cancer? Researchers are investigating whether that will be a possibility. While coffee has been tied to lower risks of bowel and breast cancers, a study needed to be completed on the effects of coffee on the prostate gland. 

Anti-inflammatory properties could be the key

Researchers wanted to learn more so began a meta-analysis of male coffee drinkers. They knew that the acids (caffeic and chlorogenic) in coffee could be the key. They also knew that coffee has anti-inflammatory properties that could decrease the development of prostate cancer.  

Glucose metabolism and sex hormone levels impact the development and progression of prostate cancer. Coffee improves both of these body processes. 

Two cups or more every day

Researchers pulled information from 16 databases that included 1,081,586 men. Of these men, 57,732 developed prostate cancer. The researchers set a high level of coffee consumption at 2 to 9 or more cups a day and low consumption at less than two cups a day. 

Lots of java may improve your odds. The study found that the men who drank between 2-9 cups of coffee a day had a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Additional cups reduced the risk of cancer by 1%. 

More exceptional java news

The researchers also analyzed coffee consumption on localized and advanced prostate cancer. Localized cancer rates dropped by 7% and advanced cancer (including fatal cancer) by 12% when men drank more cups of coffee.

Don’t overindulge 

Drinking two cups of coffee a day is reasonable for some men, but drinking up to six or seven cups could cause jitteriness, heart palpitations and may affect sleep. Be careful that you don’t overdo those large cups of coffee laden with sugar too, as that adds calories. 

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