Wellness Prostate

Prostate surgery

When To Be Concerned About Your Prostate

Men have one health concern that women don’t have to worry about. It’s their prostates. Most men who live a long life will have some prostate issues but that doesn’t always equate to cancer.

Typical prostate issues

Aging men will find they may have to go to the bathroom more often. That’s because they have an enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate partially blocks the path for urine to get out. That means it takes men longer to urinate and they won’t be able to empty completely. That leads to more bathroom visits.

An enlarged prostate doesn’t automatically mean a man is prone to cancer. Even so, you should have your doctor monitor it and offer advice on what to do about it.


A key element to the risk of prostate cancer is genetics. Men who had a direct family member, like a father, grandfather, or brother, who had prostate cancer are at an increased risk. The older you are, the more risk you have also.

Doctors typically suggest those with a history of prostate cancer start getting tested in their 40s. Most men of average risk or low risk are advised to start testing for prostate cancer when they turn 50.

When to see your doctor

Men should go for regular doctor visits once a year for overall health management. Your doctor will evaluate your risk for prostate cancer and advise how often you should be tested. However, men who have signs of problems in between tests and visits should seek out their doctor immediately.

Cramping or back pain, trouble urinating, burning sensation while urinating, blood in urine and unusual urine color are just some of the signs that should prompt immediate attention.


Men who monitor their health and see their physician for regular exams don’t have much to worry about as long as the prostate goes. That’s because problems will be spotted early and that allows for more treatment options. This is why having a regular doctor is so important. It’s crucial that you be able to talk to your doctor about intimate things like prostate issues to stay healthy.

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