Wellness Prostate

Male speaking to doctor on computer

When Should You Start Worrying About Your Prostate

Men have certain, specific medical conditions that they need to pay attention to as they age.

One of those conditions is an enlarged prostate.

Men should know when they should go for regular exams to monitor and treat their prostate.

The age a man should start discussing prostate issues depends on his personal medical status.

Those with a really high risk of prostate issues should start initiating a regular exam earlier in life around age 40 years old. 

What Age Is the Right Age for an Exam?

Men with higher-than-normal risk should start considering testing around 45 years old.

Men of average risk can start talking to their doctor when they are around 50 years old.

It is recommended for men between 55 to 69 years old to get a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening test.

Men over 70 years old shouldn’t get the screening. 

Anyone considering a screening should talk over the pros and cons of such a test with their doctor.

Prostate cancer screenings contain both benefits and risks.

Risks include the possibility of over-diagnosis and there may be some cases where that would outweigh the benefits. 

However, screenings can give you early detection of cancer that allows for more successful treatment easier and more successful. 

Research shows that regular and more widespread screening for prostate cancer has reduced the death rate of prostate cancer death rate.

It has also opened up treatment options.

What to Expect in a Prostate Exam

Your doctor will probably order a blood test to go with the physical exam.

In some ways, the blood test is more accurate than a physical exam when it comes to early prostate cancer protection. 

Many men feel anxious about the physical exam because of the intimacy of the digital rectal exam.

It shouldn’t be an awkward situation. A physical exam will only last a couple of minutes. 

Understanding your risks and preparing for maintaining your prostate health will help you prevent
any possible problems. 

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