Wellness Prostate

Take the “21 in 21” Pledge for Prostate Health

Although every man and every woman who loves him likes to think it could never happen to him, prostate cancer affects 13 out of every 100 American men.  Age is a huge factor in this, but a healthy lifestyle certainly plays a part in keeping cancer at bay. Keeping one’s prostate healthy affects a man physically and mentally, and it is time to make sure your lifestyle is in sync with a healthy prostate.

What the Prostate Cancer Foundation Knows

What you do matters, and men can absolutely thwart prostate cancer by the choices they make.  “Lifestyle modifications have been convincingly shown to reduce the risk of the onset of cancer and progression, including prostate cancer,” said Jonathan W. Simons, MD, PCF president and CEO. “

With this in mind, PCF has created a pledge for the year 2021 that focuses on improving the quality of  sleep, exercise and nutrition in people’s lives. Of course there are things people cannot control, but research shows that rest, movement, and eating habits all help to eliminate the chance of cancer. 

“21 in 21 Pledge”

This year PCF is trying to encourage people to make healthy changes for their prostate and their whole life. People can sign up for the challenge and each day participants will get a reminder about what to do. The daily activity will be something related to taking care of yourself through exercise, sleep, and nutrition. 

In addition to daily reminders and tips of actionable things you can do to ward off cancer, participants will receive a customizable calendar so that they can keep track of their new habits and challenge themselves to continue. The new year is a great time to take things to another level, and research says that with a few habit changes, you can dramatically improve your health. Click here to take the challenge yourself and make 2021 your year!

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