Wellness Prostate

Man talking to doctor with clipboard

Prostate Cancer Prevention: How To Reduce The Risks

Before it gets too late, it’s smart to keep yourself updated with the possible diseases that you may get from your family genetics.

Although prostate cancer is rare, it’s important to know the risks and how to prevent the disease from happening.

What are the symptoms?

Unfortunately, prostate cancer shows no symptoms or warning signs in its early stage.

You can only notice its symptoms when it becomes severe.

When the signs are persistent and you want to make sure, you must book an appointment to see your doctor.

  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Weaken stream of urine
  • If you notice blood in your urine
  • If you notice blood in your semen
  • Experiencing pain in the bones
  • Weight fluctuates without changing your diet
  • Erectile dysfunction

How to reduce the risk?

If you suspect that you might have prostate cancer, you might be wondering how it all happened.

It’s mostly caused by older age, family history, and obesity.

But if you are someone who’s just trying to prevent it from happening, here’s something you should know.

  • Choosing a healthy diet can make a big impact on your overall health. You can start by eating different types of fruits, and vegetables.
  • Choosing to stay active can improve your cardiovascular endurance. It helps you lose or maintain your weight, it doesn’t have to be every day but staying active most days of the week can make a huge
    difference. If you haven’t worked out in your entire life, you can start walking and improve it when it gets easy.
  • Choose healthy alternatives over food supplements. Instead of being dependent on food supplements, try to get it from real food. It’s important to maintain a great number of vitamins in the body.
  • You can also speak to your doctor to help you and give you professional advice on how to prevent the risk of getting prostate cancer, especially if you are aware that the disease runs in the family.
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