Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate, which is a small walnut-shaped gland that only males have.
It is responsible for producing and transporting semen. It is one of the most common types of cancer.
Although prostate cancer is treatable, it is the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States.
Here are the causes and possible treatments if you ever get diagnosed with this disease.
Prostate cancer causes
Although the causes are not quite clear, the common risk factors are old age, race, family history, obesity, and overall lifestyle.
The complications could lead to fatalities when cancer metastasizes.
Prostate cancer could also lead to incontinence and erectile dysfunction if not treated in the earliest possible stage.
Some of the symptoms include:
- Having trouble urinating
- Blood in the urine
- Bone pain
- Blood in the semen
- Unexplained weight loss
Prostate cancer prevention
If you have never been diagnosed with prostate cancer or enlargement of the prostate, there are several ways to prevent it, such as:
- Start a healthier lifestyle starting with your diet. Instead of always resorting to fast-food and other
unhealthy snacks, you should try eating a variety of fruits and vegetables. You should also try eating healthier instead of relying on supplements to provide you with the nutrients your body needs. - Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is one of the risk factors, so make sure you do your best to get enough exercise to maintain a healthy weight.
- Exercise. Aside from starting a healthy diet, you can also start a weekly exercise routine, especially if you are getting older.
Prostate cancer treatment
If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, the possible treatments are:
- Surgery to remove the prostate
- Radiation therapy
- Freezing or heating prostate issue
- Hormone therapy or chemotherapy