With the news of Al Rooker becoming diagnosed with prostate cancer, it’s a great time to talk about how the chances of becoming diagnosed with prostate cancer can be prevented. There are two main categories for preventing prostate cancer and specific prevention solutions just for prostate cancer.
In recent years, studies have found that cancer is more likely to occur with high inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural healing response. The problem is that too much inflammation can cause damage that leads to cancer.
Exercise is one of the best ways to prevent high inflammation. During exercise the body creates more inflammation which seems counterproductive but it’s not. When the body senses this inflammation it creates an anti-inflammatory response.
To create this anti-inflammatory response, you only need to exercise for 20 minutes! 20 minutes a day of exercise will help keep the inflammation down and the risk for cancer lower.
Healthy Eating
In the United States, it’s very hard to eat healthy with it being so easy to grab fast food around the corner of your house. Most of our foods include high sodium and meat which are risk factors for cancer.
To keep the prostate healthy, here are some tips for dieting:
- Eat fruits and veggies with every meal. This will help avoid unnatural products that are harmful to the body.
- Limit red meat consumption. Red meat has been known to be a risk factor for higher stages of cancer. If you need protein, look at fish protein or plant protein as a supplement.
- Choose organic and whole grain over processed foods. Organic and natural products have higher fiber contents than those that are processed.
Other Tips to Prevent Prostate Cancer
- Drink 4 to 5 cups a coffee each day
- Quit smoking now
- Regular check ups with your doctor
Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer for men outside of skin cancer. Exercise, healthy eating, and regular check ups will help prevent this type of cancer.