Did you get a high PSA result from a recent blood test? If so, there may not necessarily be cause to worry. The prostate-specific antigen test measures protein produced in the prostate gland, but an elevated level doesn’t always indicate prostate cancer. Here are some of the other causes of a high PSA.
A urinary tract infection can cause your PSA levels to rise, sending you into a panic. Of course, a UTI can be painful, but it’s not typically life threatening. If you’re also experiencing blood in your urine, painful urination or an inability to urinate, set up an appointment to see your doctor. A simple urine test can confirm a UTI.
As we age, our PSA levels tend to increase slowly. Once you hit 50, you should be talking to your doctor about your risk of prostate cancer and how often to get screenings. But just because your numbers go up, doesn’t mean you have anything to worry about.
Inflammation of the prostate can cause elevated PSA numbers. Other symptoms of prostatitis include fever, ejaculation problems, painful urination, changes in sexual function, difficulty urinating and pressure in the rectum. Sometimes prostatitis can be caused by a bacterial infection, which allows it to be treated with antibiotics.
If you do some form of vigorous exercise a day or two before your PSA test, you may get a false positive. Take that into consideration before you schedule a run or serious workout right before your test.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
This is a fancy term for an enlarged prostate, but it doesn’t increase your risk of cancer. Still, the symptoms of BPH can be similar to prostate cancer, including raised PSA levels.
If you’ve noticed irritation while urinating, be sure to let your doctor know.
Medical exams and procedures
Some men aren’t aware that even a simple prostate exam can create a false positive. The same is true for a urinary catheter or having a scope placed into your urethra. Wait a few weeks after any of these procedures before having a PSA test done.