Wellness Prostate

Doctor showing patient x-rays

Know the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer 

It’s a known fact that the older people get, the more they put off going to the doctor.

It’s the same with symptoms of diseases like prostate cancer.

The truth is that waiting will only limit your treatment options if you do have prostate cancer. 

Prostate Cancer Can Kill

Statistics indicate that one in 41 men will die of prostate cancer with an estimated 34, 130 men dying in a typical year.

However, most men diagnosed with it can beat it.

The U.S. is home to 3.1 million men who are still alive after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. 

Problem Urinating

The primary symptom of prostate cancer is trouble urinating.

There can be other causes for this also including enlarged prostate and bladder stones. 

Extreme and sudden weight loss is another recognizable symptom. 

Other symptoms include:

  • Blood in the urine or semen.
  • Erectile dysfunction. 
  • A change in the urine stream where it isn’t steady is dribbling or is excessive. 
  • Bone pain

Prostate Cancer Treatments

New treatments to cure prostate cancer are emerging.

One, Provenge, is commonly called a cancer vaccine but what it does is helps your immune system see and destroy cancer cells.

It is used in a variety of cancer treatments. 

Pembrolizumab is also used in immunotherapy for prostate cancers that cause changes in the DNA.

The standard treatment is surgery followed up by radiation treatments.

Results from a new type of radiation trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York were released on June 3.

This groundbreaking liquid radiation drug, called LU-PSMA-617 works on older patients who have late-stage prostate cancer.

Some said they have no symptoms and their PSA dropped from 100 to zero.

PSA levels indicate whether there is growth in prostate cells that can be a symptom of cancer.

It’s vital to know and recognize prostate cancer symptoms, especially as you age.

Early diagnosis and treatment could mean a longer life for you.

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