Wellness Prostate

woman's leg with plate of food on her lap

How Plant-Based Diets lower the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a serious health concern that affects millions of men around the world. While there are many treatments available, prevention is always preferable to cure. Diet can play an important role in
reducing your risk for prostate cancer.

What is a plant-based diet?

A plant-based diet is quite self-explanatory, if it comes from a garden, include it in your meal plan. That rules out all animal products like beef, pork, poultry, fish eggs, and dairy. Vegans tend to stick strictly to this eating style while other people experiment with adding more plants in the mix but still enjoy their usual burgers etc every now and then.

How plant based diet can help your prostate health?

By loading up on nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes you can drastically reduce your risk of prostate cancer as well as other issues associated with the male anatomy. These plant-based foods are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which aid in reducing inflammation
associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). If you want to keep your prostate in peak condition, it may be best for you to switch over to a plant-based diet. There are numerous other noteworthy elements to
consider when transitioning into this way of living.

  • By switching to a more plant-based diet you can significantly reduce your risk of yielding to prostate cancer related mortality.
  • Eating more plant-based foods can drastically reduce the chances of elevated prostate specific
    antigen levels, which could be an indicator of prostate cancer. To stay proactive and ensure your health, it is recommended that individuals ages 45 to 50 undergo PSA tests annually.
  • Eating diets that emphasize plant-based food and fish, and minimize red meat consumption, have been shown to control prostate enlargement. Furthermore, this type of dietary pattern has also demonstrated a beneficial effect on sexual functioning!
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