Wellness Gout

My Ongoing Struggle with Gout Prescribed Medications and Diet by Kyle Rao

Currently, I’m prescribed allopurinol 100mg and Mitigare (Colchicine) 0.6mg for gout.   I was told by my arthritis doctor to take the allopurinol daily and the Mitigare for Gout outbreaks.   My Uric acid level was about a 7.

I made the mistake of taking allopurinol when I felt the onset of gout occurring as this actually sped up my flare-up.   My research told me that I need to take this product daily, and it can take weeks for the drug to take effect.   Now I’m not the type of person to take prescription medications daily, as I concern with the side effects these medications can have on my body.   With the allopurinol not working as effectively as I wanted it to, I switched to the Colchicine to tackle the pain.  I wasn’t truly convinced this product worked for me either after taking it for several days.   To further tackle pain, I attempted to take some prescription pain medication I had on hand for a back surgery, and this didn’t work either.  I was fed up and needed a better solution.  After trial and error over a few years, I found that the best remedies listed below work for me.

  • (healthy male product) M cream?
  • A warm bath with Epsom salt
  • Sleeping is the hardest thing.  No bed sheets or blankets near my feet.  I use M cream on my foot and put a sock gently offer the throbbing toe foot.  In this case, the problem was my left foot.
  • Ice (was neutral) needed to be on constant ice but found pain increased once my foot was off the ice.
  • Breathe normally.  Stay calm.  “there were moments I thought about cutting my toe off to end the suffering”
  • Massage the toe “ I feel some relief but the pain comes back as sometimes more intense after the massage, so I tend to stay away from doing this.


Now I found that diet was also going to be an important part of my life, so I cut out the following and replaced with alternate foods and beverages.

  • No Red Meat (eat chicken instead)
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
  • They say to stay away from alcohol, but I know this can be tough for some of you. So from my experience, I found the following worked best for me.  If I was to have a few drinks or cocktails, I generally stay away from microbrews and dark colored alcohol.   I found that light beer and white or clear liquor was ok.
  • Coffee (was neutral) didn’t help nor cause additional pain.
  • Cherry Juice was ok but didn’t reap the benefits as quickly as I wanted.
  • Ginger (Works Great) excellent natural remedy.
  • Tumeric (Pretty good)  I felt swelling go down within a few hours after taking this spice.
  • Soda (Stay away during flare-ups)  stick to lots of H2O only
  • Fish oil (I take this vitamin daily anyways, but my flare-ups still occurred)
  • Apple cider Vinegar (Works Great)
  • Lemon juice (so so)

Of all the gout remedies out on the market, I found the healthy male product worked best for me.   I Hope my research helps some of you out during your gout attack and good luck with your recovery.

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