Wellness Sleep

Low Testosterone Could Cause Night Sweats

Waking up in damp clothes and sheets may be a sign that you have night sweats due to low testosterone. As the primary sex hormone in men, testosterone has some important roles, such as producing sperm and building muscle mass. But as men age, their levels of testosterone gradually decrease, causing a variety of problems, including night sweats.

Other symptoms of low testosterone

In addition to night sweats, low testosterone can rear its head in a number of ways, including:

  • decreased libido
  • erectile dysfunction
  • mood changes
  • fatigue
  • enlarged breast tissue

Other causes of low testosterone

While most men will see a natural decrease in testosterone as they get older, there are other potential causes of low testosterone. Talk to your doctor if you think any of the following could be dropping your hormone levels:

  • radiation therapy
  • chemotherapy
  • tumors that affect the testicles or glands
  • injuries that affect the testicles or glands
  • genetic conditions
  • chronic diseases

Treatment for low testosterone

If the night sweats are severe or a regular occurrence, you may want to seek treatment for low testosterone.

Treatment normally consists of hormone supplements in the form of pills, creams or patches. These are not the same thing as steroids that bodybuilders use.

There are some risks associated with taking testosterone supplements. They include:

  • acne
  • weight gain
  • swelling in the lower limbs (called “edema”)
  • prostate enlargement
  • worsening of prostate cancer
  • greater risk of breast cancer
  • sleep apnea
  • breast pain or tenderness

Things to try at home for night sweats

Not sure your night sweats are being caused by low testosterone? You may want to try these home remedies before seeking out a doctor’s advice:

  • Reduce your alcohol consumption.
  • Get more sleep, which may help keep hormones in balance.
  • Lose weight. Being overweight or obese can decrease the amount of testosterone in your blood.
  • Exercise more. In addition to helping you stay fit, physical activity has been found to increase testosterone levels, even compared to sedentary men who consumed fewer calories.
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