Wellness Gout

Chopped up celery

Is There a Natural Way to Treat Gout?

Gout can cause a lot of pain. It falls into the arthritis category and there is no cure for it. However, there are many ways to treat it and some of those are natural remedies. 

It’s important to understand how gout occurs. It happens when the blood has a high amount of uric acid.

The acid causes crystals to form in joints and that is what causes arthritis, inflammation, and pain. 

Here are three natural remedies that appear to have a positive effect.


Many claim cherries or tart cherry juice works wonders as a home remedy for those with gout.

Gout patients state this is surveys done both in 2012 and 2016 and stated cherries worked to prevent sudden gout attacks. 

It doesn’t matter what kind of cherry you use. It can be red, black, sweet or sour, an extract, raw, or in juice.

All seem to work effectively as long as you have three servings over two days. 

Warm Water Remedy

A combination of apple cider vinegar, turmeric, and lemon juice with warm water seems to be a good remedy if you listen to those who take it.

Medical studies show turmeric and lemon juice lower uric acid but there aren’t any studies for using apple cider vinegar for gout.

However, other reports state it helps the kidneys, which indirectly may help relieve gout. 

The recipe is a juice for one lemon into warm water, two teaspoons of turmeric, and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.

You are supposed to drink it up to three times a day for relief.

Celery or Celery Seeds

It is believed celery reduces inflammation, although there isn’t scientific research to prove that. Celery is well known to treat urinary issues so that may have some impact on uric acid. 

There is no set amount of how much celery to eat, but you can also drink the juice, take an extract or eat celery seeds.

The good thing about these remedies is there is no harm in trying them with or without your gout medication.

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