Wellness Gout

Raw Meats on table

High-Protein Diet Can Help Gout

A high-protein diet can have many benefits, particularly to those who suffer from gout.

You don’t have to want to lose weight to be on this diet and can incorporate many of the high-protein foods into your life to help ward off attacks.

High Protein Doesn’t Mean High Purine

Foods high in purines, like meat, can contribute to gout but there are still plenty of choices of other foods that are high in protein.

The reason why a high-protein diet works for those with gout is that many of the foods on the list, like berries, are rich in antioxidants and fiber.

Antioxidants are known to be anti-inflammatory agents and work well for those with either gout or arthritis.

Benefits of a High-Protein Diet

A high-protein diet can also increase strength, muscle mass and boost metabolism.

All of that can have a positive effect on your overall health as well as help your gout symptoms.

It can also lower your blood pressure and help your kidneys.

Fiberm a part of a high-protein diet, helps with digestive and colon problems.

A high-protein diet can also help you keep your blood sugar and blood pressure in check, so if you have those types of issues also, this could be the diet for you.

These benefits can help you as you age because some of the problems with aging are ailments like arthritis, less bone density, muscle loss, arthritis, digestive and colon problems.

A high-protein diet could reduce the risk of all of that.

Some of the best high-protein foods are:

  • Fish (39g)
  • Fat-free or low-fat cheese (18g)
  • Skim or low-fat yogurt (12g)
  • Skim or low-fat milk (4g)
  • Avocado (1.5g)
  • Edamame (9.23g)
  • Chickpeas (7.26g)


Since a high-protein diet includes balanced meals, it is a safe diet for anyone to try.

Just including some high-protein foods in all your meals can make a difference in your gout symptoms.

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