Wellness Gout

older man in pain

Are There Symptoms Before A Gout Attack?

Those who may be undiagnosed with gout will grow concerned when they experience their first sudden attack.

Gout attacks can be painful. Those who don’t understand this ailment are caught by surprise.

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by an overwhelming amount of uric acid in the blood.

Medicines and diet can help keep it under control and reduce symptoms.

Symptoms of an Attack

An attack starts with sensations in a joint, usually the toes or lower leg joints.

The joint will have tingling, itching, or burning a couple of hours before the attack.

It can also feel stiff or sore.

This is your signal a gout attack is about to start.

Some have no early warning symptoms of a flare-up.

They will suddenly experience joint pain.

What Is a Gout Attack?

A gout flare-up results in swelling and redness in the joint.

There can also be severe pain and this typically affects only one joint.

Big toes are the most common joint for gout attacks but they can also affect the insteps, ankles, knees,
elbows are wrists.

What Should You Do?

Those diagnosed with gout can get prescription medicine from their doctor and that can relieve attacks.

Medicine should be taken as you experience the initial symptoms that an attack is coming.

There are several good medicines available to people with gout.

However, you can also reduce your overall symptoms by changing your diet to lower your uric acid in the blood.

Your doctor can help you craft a diet that works for you.

Talk To Your Doctor

Keeping your doctor informed about anything you are experiencing is important.

It could be gout or something else.

Your doctor will run tests to determine the source of your pain.

Those who are having these types of issues but are undiagnosed should talk to their doctor to evaluate them for gout.

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