Wellness Gout

4 Steps to Gout Friendly Meals

Your doctor says you’ve got gout in your foot and you must cut back on foods that will increase your uric acid levels. You typically eat steaks, burgers, and salads. How do you create a gout-healthy meal?

1. Know your risks of gout

First, understand that gout is caused by an elevation of uric acid in your bloodstream. This elevation causes crystals to form, which collect in your foot causing unbearable pain. Gout is most common in men and can be traced to other disorders like hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes. 

2. Choose low-purine Foods

Second, learn the difference between high-purine and low-purine foods. 

High-purine foods include:

  • Beans, peas, cauliflower, and mushrooms
  • Red meats, organ meats, and seafood
  • Beer and alcohol

Low-purine foods include:

  • Low-fat milk, dairy products, and eggs
  • Nuts including peanut butter
  • Green vegetables, lettuce, and tomatoes
  • Water and fruit juice
  • Whole Grain cereals and bread

3. Create simple healthy recipes

Third, create satisfying recipes with low-purine foods. Choose whole-grain toast with peanut butter for breakfast. No more donuts! Cut back on red meat by adding more vegetables to your fajitas, omelets, and salads. Whip up a grilled chicken breast, baked potato, and asparagus for dinner. Try this recipe from John Hopkins Medicine for BBQ Chicken Pizza

4. Go slow and steady

A May 2020 article by Mayo Clinic divulges that you should, “Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. If you’re overweight, your body makes more uric acid, and your kidneys have a harder time eliminating it. But even though losing weight may decrease uric acid levels, avoid fasting or rapid weight loss. That may temporarily raise uric acid levels and worsen gout symptoms.” 

You can prevent gout outbreaks with healthy recipes. Remember to always discuss plans with your doctor before starting.

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