Wellness Diabetes

Obese man holding soda can

Should Diabetics Drink Diet Soda?

Although consuming sugar doesn’t cause type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it is still important to monitor your carbohydrate and sugar intake as a component of managing diabetes.

Staying physically active and eating mindfully can significantly reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

How Obesity Leads to Diabetes

According to several research studies, approximately one-third of Americans are classified as obese, which puts this group directly at risk for diabetes as well as a host of other medical conditions.

One of the main culprits for weight gain is through the consumption of highly processed foods that are high in unhealthy fats, sugar, and empty calories that can lead to developing type 2 diabetes.

Diet Soda as an Alternative

For people that want to reduce their risks considerably, drinking diet sodas is a healthier alternative as they are 99% water and typically sweetened with artificial sweeteners and contain coloring agents, preservatives, acids, and caffeine.

There had been intense debate about the safety of artificial sweeteners and their possible link to certain types of cancer over the years, but these theories have been debunked now and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have granted them clearance as a sugar replacement.

Classified as food additives, there are other artificial sweeteners that are recognized as safe under the FDA and they include advantame, acesulfame potassium aspartame, neotame, saccharin, and sucralose – all of which are commonly found in diet sodas. Adults drinking soda in excessive amounts can be problematic, particularly if the beverages are caffeinated and this is an area many people find difficult to address.

It is important to consume enough water, dairy, and 100% juice to have the essential daily nutrients for optimal health. The acceptable daily intake (ADI) can be assessed based on age and weight. These best practices and more will ensure that drinking diet soda does not lead to diabetes.

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