A lot of health information is out there about diabetes, which typically is categorized as high blood sugar.
Likewise, a lot of information exists about how to control blood sugar including medications and insulin injections.
However, there isn’t as much public information about low blood sugar.
Similar to high blood sugar in its adverse effects, low blood sugar can affect both people with or without diabetes.
The chronic condition is called hypoglycemia.
The only true way to identify low blood sugar is with a blood glucose test.
Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar
More than 10 symptoms can tell you if you have low blood sugar but here are the most common ones:
- Your heart will start beating fast.
- Rapid heartbeats are associated with both high and low blood sugar levels. There is an association between
diabetes and heart disease. - You will have clammy skin. This is a sudden onset of clamminess. Your head may still sweat but will also be clammy.
- You will be jittery. This symptom is similar to having too much caffeine. Your hands may shake or you may be easily spooked.
- Your thinking will be muddled.
Muddled thinking is a more subtle sign of low blood sugar but is one of the first signs to show it, beyond all the other physical signs.
The person can’t seem to get words out or answer questions in the most extreme circumstances.
Low blood sugar can appear similar to a stroke in the worst cases where the person can’t move, talk or respond.
They can even faint from it.
Reasons Why People Have Low Blood Sugar
The most obvious reason is a lack of consistent or nutritional eating.
Missing a meal can cause your blood sugar to drop, especially if it’s not something you typically do.
The other common culprit is medications, particularly diabetes medications.
Monitoring what you eat, along with exercise and keeping up with your medications, will keep you from having blood sugar lows and all the terrible consequences that come with them.