Wellness Diabetes

How to Prevent Diabetes with Exercise and Nutrition

In 2015, over 88 million adults in the U.S. were prediabetic according to the American Diabetes Association. That is over 25% of the U.S. population. Without the proper help and prevention, those 88 million will eventually become diabetic. The best way to prevent this is by lowering blood glucose levels through lifestyle changes of exercise and nutrition.


Exercise is a great way to lose weight but it does have other benefits as well. While exercising, the body uses glucose as primary fuel and eventually lowers the glucose levels in the body. Here are a couple of exercise strategies to help lose weight:

  • Park farther away in the parking lot at work or when shopping to increase more steps
  • Break workouts into shorter segments 
  • Workout during commercial breaks or between streaming episodes
  • Walk when talking on the phone
  • Take the dog for a walk


The most important factor in preventing diabetes is weight control, according to the CDC. With the easy accessibility to fast food and the lack of time, eating healthy has become a tough task for most Americans. Portion sizes have also increased over the years as well. To eat healthy and prevent diabetes try these strategies:

  • Eat with smaller bowls and dishes for smaller portions
  • Don’t go back for seconds or thirds
  • Eat a rainbow often (not candy, this is for only fruits and vegetables)
  • Drink water over soda and sugary drinks

Which one is more important: Exercise or Nutrition?

Exercise and nutrition are both important in preventing diabetes but nutrition holds more weight than exercise. Poor nutrition habits can lead to extra calories and weight gain. You will have to exercise to burn off the extra calories and exercise might not be enough to burn all of the calories off. Great nutrition habits will help control weight and you won’t have to exercise.

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