Men with diabetes have trouble performing sexually. It has been known for some time that erectile
dysfunction is linked to high blood sugar levels. However, diabetes is also connected with low sexual drive.
Both men and women who are having trouble managing their diabetes face low libido. Your blood glucose
levels should be the first place you look if you find your sex drive is parked.
What affects libido
It’s not just the blood sugar that can affect the libido of a diabetes patient. It could also be your medication. Certain drugs, especially antidepressants, can affect libido. Diabetes patients are also prone to inflammation and that can affect sexual desire.
Inflammation can cross certain areas in the brain that control sexual desire. Men with diabetes could also have low testosterone and that can affect how much they want sex.
Inflammation may not even be that noticeable. Yet, it can still affect your desire. It, along with a roller coaster blood sugar level, can make you feel unwell or just sluggish and that has an impact on your libido.
Risk factors for men
Men who suffer from diabetes are at double the risk of low testosterone of other men their age.
This particularly affects men who have type 2 diabetes and who are overweight.
Your doctor should also be treating you for low testosterone as well as diabetes. The problem is your doctor may not think about low testosterone if you haven’t mentioned your libido. It is a discussion worth having as most who have diabetes tend to have that issue too.,
Those who are overweight should strive to lose extra pounds. Weight puts you at a higher risk for diabetes as well as low libido. Losing weight will help both your blood sugar levels and your sex drive.
Those who have diabetes are not hopeless with their libido. Risk factors can be reduced with a proper action plan under your doctor’s care. Look at all your risk factors and talk to your doctor.