Wellness Diabetes

Dating a Diabetic? Here are 5 Dos and Don’ts

Diabetes is a treatable condition, but it does require good lifestyle choices to achieve the best outcome. Things like taking a day-long hike or grabbing ice cream after a beach day are fun outings, but if your significant other is diabetic, these trips require some prep work.

Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to help you both enjoy your time together:

1, Skip the restaurants, for now

If you’re new to the relationship, consider doing something other than eating. Go to the beach, take a walk, find a new hiking trail, but try to suggest something that doesn’t involve food.

2. Don’t say you’re afraid of needles

People with type 2 diabetes often check their blood sugar – with a needle. If you have a problem with needles or blood, try to work through it. It’s not exactly cool to talk about your fear of needles when your date has no choice but to use one to test their sugar levels.

3. Do ask questions

Once you’re a few dates in, it’s okay to ask questions. Most people are upfront about their diabetes and would rather talk about it than keep it a secret. By learning more about the condition, the two of you can make plans together.

4. Don’t surprise your date

People with diabetes need to plan – a lot. For this reason, planning a surprise date to the hip new restaurant in town, for example, isn’t ideal. Once you get to know the person and understand their condition and how they manage it, a surprise here or there is fine. If you’re new to the relationship, avoid surprises.

5. Do get a needle container

If the relationship progresses, it’s a nice gesture to add a needle container to your home. When the time comes for your partner to use a needle, it can be discarded in a safe manner.

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