Wellness Diabetes

Can Diabetics Do a Colon Cleanse?

Talk has surfaced over the past decade or so about the importance of doing a regular colon or digestive cleanse. Many tout the benefits of it and that leaves diabetics wondering if it’s something that would be good for them.

How diabetics should do a cleanse

Those in the holistic health community say both type 1 and type 2 diabetics could see immense benefits from a digestive cleanse. However, the type of cleanse they do and how it’s monitored will need to be different.

Type 1 diabetics will need to include more low-sugar fruit juice cleanses for a longer cleansing program. They will also need more support from family and friends to finish the cleanse as they may not see immediate results.

Type 2 diabetics require a supervised detox that is like the master cleanse or the green juice fast. These two programs can help your body get your blood sugar levels back to normal.

Why a cleanse is good for diabetics

The purpose of cleansing is to clear out toxins from your body and diabetics tend to have more that are
affecting them. A cleanse will get rid of toxins left over from all the medications diabetics must take,
processed foods, toxins in the environment, and herbicides everyone comes in contact with every day.

Getting started

The first thing a diabetic patient interested in a cleanse should do is research. Find out all you can about the different cleansing products and decide which one would be a safe choice for you.

Then, approach your doctor about it and show him the information. Ask your doctor if they would be willing to do some extra monitoring while you are doing a cleanse to make sure there are no ill effects.


It’s been shown that contributing to a healthy pancreas can have a positive effect on your blood sugar since the hormones that reduce blood sugar comes from the pancreas. As long as you discuss it with your doctor and maintain a moderate cleanse using all-natural ingredients, a cleanse program may do you some good as a diabetic patient. It could be the right thing that gets your blood sugars under control for good.

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