Wellness Diabetes

Male filling glass with water

5 Ways to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Treating Type 2 Diabetes at its early stages is the best way to prevent it from becoming a more severe illness than it already is.

But, of course, preventing it from happening in the first place is better than diabetes treatment, so if you are worried about getting it one day.

Here are some tips to prevent it from happening. 

1. Cut sugar from your diet

The leading cause of type 2 diabetes is consuming too much sugar.

Studies show that people with high carb and sugar intake are most likely to develop type 2 diabetes if they already have prediabetes.

If you don’t have prediabetes, you can still consume sweets, just make sure you limit your intake.

2. Drink water

Instead of drinking soda and other sweet beverages, make sure you drink water more often.

Of course, you can indulge in some of your favorite drinks from time to time.

Just make sure you always drink water more often and make it your primary beverage. 

3. Work out regularly and try to lose weight if you are obese

Exercise can reduce insulin sensitivity in your cells, so make sure you create a steady workout routine if you ever want to prevent type 2 diabetes from happening.

Overweight people are at high risk of getting the disease, so make sure you keep your body in good shape.

4. Drink coffee and tea

Although water should be your primary beverage, having some coffee and green tea can help regulate your blood sugar levels, thanks to a unique antioxidant compound that increases insulin sensitivity.

5. Quit smoking

You may not know this, but smoking can also increase the risks of getting type 2 diabetes, not to mention the other deadly diseases attributed to smoking and inhaling second-hand smoke.

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