Wellness Diabetes

A variety of junk food on table

5 Foods Every Diabetic Should Avoid 

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Even though you can not cure your diabetes, you can take important steps in managing it and staying healthy. Here is a list of the top 5 foods you should avoid if you have diabetes. 

1. Sugary beverages 

You should avoid sugar-sweetened beverages if you want to adequately manage your diabetes. This is because these beverages are high in carbohydrates, and carbohydrates are eventually broken down into glucose in your body. This can cause a sharp rise in your blood glucose level. 

Sugary beverages can also make you gain some weight, and this is not good for your diabetes. 

2. Packaged snacks 

Packaged snacks such as crackers and pretzels should be avoided because they contain a lot of carbohydrates which the body can easily digest. If you get hungry in between meals and you need a snack, you can eat some nuts or low carbohydrate vegetables such as lettuce, cucumber, and/or watermelon e.t.c. 

3. Trans fats

Trans fats can be found in many fried, “fast” packaged, or processed foods such as margarine, peanut butter, spreads, creamers, frozen pizza, and microwave popcorn; fried foods including french fries, doughnuts, and fried chicken. These foods 

raise your “bad” cholesterol and lower your “good” cholesterol. This may affect how well your diabetes is managed.

4. White bread, rice, and pasta

These foods are also high in carbohydrates and can be easily broken down by your body into glucose which may cause a spike in your blood glucose level. Rather than white bread, you can opt for whole wheat bread or you can combine the two. This will increase your fiber, vitamins, minerals and reduce any resulting blood sugar spike. 

5. Fruit flavored yogurt 

They are made from low-fat milk and are high in carbohydrates and sugar which may worsen your diabetes. Plain, whole milk yogurt provides a healthier alternative because they have no sugar and may be beneficial for your appetite and weight control. 

If you can avoid foods rich in sugar, coupled with your exercises and/or medications, you are likely to experience significant improvement to the diabetic symptoms you have.

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