Wellness Diabetes

Women using diabetes device

3 Dangerous Diabetes Myths You Should Know About

More than 463 million people across the world live with diabetes. Approximately 10.5 percent of the U.S. population, or 34. 2 million people have diabetes including both diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes. More than a million have Type 1 diabetes.

There are three dangerous myths many believe. Those misbeliefs can prevent people from getting the treatment they need to control their diabetes. 

1. Myth: Insulin must be kept in a refrigerator.

Recommendations are that insulin is refrigerated do exist but the idea that all insulin must be refrigerated at all times keeps many people from getting the insulin they need. According to the latest information from February 2021, insulin can be stored at temperatures up to 98.6 degrees. 

2. Myth: Insulin prices are too high.

There are some truths and myths to this statement. The myth is that insulin costs so much because production is expensive. That isn’t true. The truth is 99 percent of insulin on the market is controlled by three “big pharma” companies named Novo Nordisk, Sanofi, and Eli Lilly. 

It costs between $2.28 and $3.42 to produce one vial of human insulin, according to a 2018 study. It costs $3.69 to $6.16 to produce one vial of analog insulin. Government controls a lot relating to the sale price.

Some manufacturers offer reduced costs for some products and some government programs are available to assist. 

3. Myth: Diabetes Is Too Complex

One misconception that many people have is that diabetes is so complicated that it is challenging for patients to control it. New devices that don’t involve pricking. There are new devices to deliver insulin and control blood sugar.

Dispelling these three dangerous myths about diabetes can lead to more patients finding the answers and treatments they need. Talk to your doctor about all your concerns and make a plan to control your diabetes.

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