Lower back can affect not only your work, chores and leisure activities but also your sleep. In addition to getting a supportive mattress, stretching and staying fit, there are certain sleep positions that can help limit your lower back pain. Here are some worth trying.
The fetal position
If you have a herniated disc, sleeping on your side curled up in a ball may provide the most relief because it helps open the joints of the spine and reduces bending of the spine. Be sure to use a pillow to support your head and neck.
On your back with knee support
If you could only choose one position to sleep in for the rest of your life, it should be on your back with knee support. That’s because this position minimizes pressure points, distributes your weight on the most surface of your body and helps align your head, neck and spine. The addition of a small pillow under your knees can not only maintain the curve of your spine, but also provide extra support.
On your side with a pillow between your knees
Lying on your side may feel comfortable, but it can pull your spine out of position. The trick to mastering the position is simply to put a firm pillow between your knees, which will realign your spine, hips and pelvis.
Sleeping on your stomach facing straight down
Before you start worrying about suffocation, try sleeping on your stomach with two additions. Instead of putting your head to one side, which twists the spine, put a rolled-up town under your forehead and a pillow under your hips and abdomen. You’ll have plenty of room to breathe and the slim pillow under your stomach will help raise your mid-section to better align your spine. This position can be especially beneficial to those with degenerative disc disease or a herniated disc.