Wellness Prostate

6 Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, has an overall risk for one in 22 men. It’s the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths for both genders, and unfortunately, it’s a tricky disease to catch early because it’s tied in with the complex digestive system.

Here are the symptoms of cancer that both men and women should watch for.

Weight loss

If you haven’t been trying to lose weight but have noticed you’ve lost at least 10 pounds in 6 months, you’ll want to talk to a doctor. That’s because cancer cells consume more of your energy. In addition, your immune system is working harder to attack the cancer cells, which burns calories.

Fatigue or weakness

Again, when cancer cells use extra energy, they’ve got to get it from somewhere.

Blood in your feces

Although hemorrhoids can cause blood in your stool, seeing bright red blood or darker, tarry stools might be cause for concern.

Bowel changes

If you’re experiencing diarrhea, constipation or very narrow stools for more than a few days, it could be a sign of a bigger health issue rather than simply temporary stomach issues.

Cramps and bloating

Although it’s common for almost everyone to get the occasional cramps and bloating due to eating certain foods, if you’re noticing it happening more frequently or when you haven’t eaten anything, set up an appointment with your doctor.

Feeling as though your bowels are never empty

If your bowels are empty but they still feel full, it could be due to a growth that is blocking the colon. Keep track of your bowel movements to ensure that when it feels like you have to go, you do—and then you feel empty.

The good news is, colon cancer is usually curable if it’s caught early enough (before it has spread to other parts of the body). It’s incentive to get regular check-ups and to visit a doctor if you start experiencing any of the above symptoms.

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