Wellness Prostate

Man holding cup of tea

5 Ways to Take Care of Your Prostate

It stands to reason that the older you get, the more problems you may experience with your prostate. However, as the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. By implementing these five ideas into your lifestyle, you will be able to stave off prostate problems long into the future.

1. Drink green tea

Research has shown that the antioxidants in green tea make your whole body healthy, with your prostate no exception.

2. Exercise for prostate health

Experts show that exercise has a positive effect on benign prostatic hyperplasia, a condition that is found in older men and causes difficult urinary symptoms. BPH seems to be the springboard for other prostate issues, so eliminating the condition by exercising is going to be a positive for your prostate health as well as your overall health.

3. Eat a proper diet

Maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important for prostate health and research shows those with more abdominal fat especially will have a higher amount of BPH. This means that eating a diet high in lean meats and leafy vegetables will be very beneficial, while eating a high fat, high calorie diet will have a negative affect on your prostate health.

4. Take supplements

Even if you make a concerted effort to eat a healthier diet, supplements can be a powerful way to pump up the health of your prostate. Pumpkin seed oil and stinging nettle are both known to help the prostate, and selenium, red clover, or milk thistle are also showing promising results.

5. Reduce stress

This last idea might be the most difficult of all but is arguably the most important. Stress affects every system in the body, and especially hurts the body’s immune system and ability to fight off infection. Anything you can do to reduce stress, such as meditation or yoga, will go a long way in helping your prostate.

By putting these 5 ideas into play in your own life, you are offering your prostate the ability to stay healthy for as long as possible. And by making a positive change for this one organ in your body, the rest of your health will see a change for the better as well.

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