As we reach the one year anniversary of life inside a pandemic, many people are experiencing pandemic fatigue. From the blurred lines of continuing to work and live at home, to the lack of social gatherings, games, concerts, and the like, people need a way to calm themselves in the storm. Meditation is just what will help to control your racing brain and worry.
1.Meditate early in the morning
Meditation is the kind of activity that could easily get lost in the shuffle, and since that is the case, doing it first thing in the morning offers the best prescription for success. If you calm your mind before the chaos of the day begins, you can face the day more strategically.
2. Get fresh air if possible
Depending on where you live, this could be a challenge, but meditating outside can offer a huge payoff. Fresh air changes you for the better, the sun offers you Vitamin D, and the sound of the birds chirping is known to be relaxing.
3. Find a comfortable posture
A comfortable posture is paramount because if your body is comfortable, you will continue doing it. Sit, lay, or relax in a position that suits you and that you are likely to repeat.
4. Use a mantra
Let’s face it. Meditation can be tricky when your mind is racing and your problems keep resurfacing. A mantra is a short phrase that you keep repeating and can serve as an anchor for your wild thoughts.
5. Combine with yoga
One powerful way to get more out of your morning meditation is to combine it with yoga. The art of moving your body, and especially doing so soon after you wake up, will improve your flexibility and circulation.
The past year has not been easy, but with a little time to sit and breathe, you will be able to bring some peace to your life and keep yourself moving in a positive direction. Meditating in the morning will bring a positive focus to your day.