What do you know about testosterone? As a man, there are many things you need to know about it. Generally, testosterone is used to create sperm and maintain your sex drive.
However, there are more things every man should know about this hormone, such as its aid in bone strength and the production of red blood cells. Plus, it also boosts energy levels and its overall contribution to your wellness.
Here are 5 things every man should know about their testosterone hormone:
1. High testosterone is rare among men
Although you might feel that you have high testosterone, it is something very rare. Plus, it might not be good for you and it could possibly indicate that you have adrenal gland disease or worse, testicular cancer. Men who take steroids to increase muscle mass are prone to high testosterone.
2. Testosterone production originates in the brain
Although you might think that testosterone production starts from your genitals, the process actually starts from your pituitary gland. It is a small gland at the base of your brain, which controls testosterone production. It is responsible for sending signals to your testes for testosterone production.
3. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for setting off puberty
Every change you ever felt in your adolescence, such as the deepening of your voice, growth of facial, pubic, and body hair, increased height, and stronger bones caused by testosterone. With that being said, without having enough testosterone production, some kids might not have the same amount of development through the years.
4. There is a way to boost testosterone levels
There are many testosterone boosters you can buy over the counter. However, living a healthy lifestyle is still the best way. Not smoking, limiting alcohol, getting enough exercise, and avoiding unhealthy food is the best way to boost your testosterone levels.
5. Testosterone levels change depending on the time of day
Testosterone levels are highest in the morning and lowest in the evening.