Wellness Sleep

Women stretching in bed

4 Ways to Have Sweeter Dreams

Everyone dreams and most would like to be sure to have beautiful dreams rather than the nastier versions. Those who study dreams conclude that people across the globe have them along with certain universal themes. However, dreams are highly specific to each person and are largely dependent on what happens during their day and their feelings about those things. 

The unconscious mind isn’t that controllable. While we can’t control what we dream, we can do things to encourage sweeter ones. 

1. Create the perfect sleep zone.

A comfortable bedroom is a key to sleeping better. Sleeping better and deeper is the number one thing you can do to have nicer dreams. First, sleep in the same place nightly. That means going to bed rather than falling asleep on the couch. Second, declutter your bedroom. 

It may seem odd but clutter adds to stress, which affects sleep. So, keep all glowing, beeping electronics out of the bedroom. That means no computers, smartphones, or television. 

2. Exercise during the day. 

You may notice that a day at the beach or on the lake helps you sleep better. Part of that is fresh air and sunshine. Time on the water is relaxing. Another reason this helps is the exercise. 

Exercising during the day will help you sleep better at night, which promotes better dreams. Exercise releases de-stressing and happiness hormones and helps blood flow. Both are beneficial to sleep.  Just make sure you don’t exercise too close to bedtime.

3. Include Foods with Melatonin

Melatonin helps induce sleep and including it in your diet is essential. Foods with melatonin are things like eggs, fish, milk, meat, nuts, and mushrooms. If you feel your melatonin is drastically low, you can try adding a supplement.

4. De-stress Before Bed

It is always good to prepare for bed with de-stressing activities. Children can quieten down before bed by reading or listening to music i. Adults can benefit from similar activities like meditation, aromatherapy, a bath, or listening to a favorite relaxation podcast. 

You should avoid high-energy activities that encourage overthinking like strenuous exercise, drinking, television, and, a big no-no, working. 

Establishing a new nighttime routine for you will alleviate your overall stress and add to your happiness, both of which will help produce sweet dreams.

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