Trying to lose weight can be a challenge. It requires commitment, sacrifice, and willingness to make changes to your daily routine.
For effective weight loss, many people turn to the internet to do research. Since most people aren’t nutritionists or professional athletes, the online world can provide the guidance that’s missing.
While researching weight loss is a great way to get in shape, it can also lead you astray. Some of the articles online don’t provide the best advice, which is why we wanted to bust the most common weight loss myths that are out there.
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to know that these are myths – not truth.
1. All calories are equal
Eating a 100-calorie banana and 100 calories of chocolate are the same number of calories, but they have different effects on your body. Some calories are better for you or are more filling than others.
If you’re counting calories, it’s important to know that not all calories are equal.
2. You will only lose weight
If you’re eating right and working out, you might assume that your weight will only decrease. For the most part, that’s true. However, weight loss isn’t a linear process. Most days you’ll lose weight, but there will be days where you gain weight. It’s normal. Don’t get discouraged.
3. Supplements can help you lose weight
There are many, many supplements on the market that claim to help you lose weight. However, when studied, they rarely have any effect on your weight loss. There’s no shortcut to losing weight. You have to put in the work.
4. Obesity is caused by a lack of willpower
Obesity is a complex condition and to say that it can be treated with a healthy dose of willpower is incorrect. Genetics, medical conditions, and hormones, for example, can all play a role. For those having trouble with weight loss, consult your doctor.