Weight Loss

Reduce Your Risk of Prediabetes by Losing “A Little” Weight

A recent study was completed in Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and the University of East Anglia. This study of over 1,000 participants found “support to make modest lifestyle changes, including losing two to three kilograms of weight and increased physical activity over two years, reduced the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 40 to 47 percent for those categorized as having prediabetes at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.” Now if you are wondering what two to three kilograms are in the United States it converts into 4.4 pounds to 6.1 pounds. This is a doable step if you are serious about reducing your risk of Type 2 diabetes! 

The study looked at reaching weight loss through dietary changes, exercise, and lifestyle interventions. The best news is that the changes in weight and lifestyle choices were sustained for at least two years. 

Exercise Changes You Can Make Now

Aim for getting 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise. Examples of moderate exercises you can try are brisk walking, tennis, bike riding, or aerobic videos. You will want to include muscle-strengthening two or more times a week. Your strength training should include exercises for your back, abdomen, legs, arms, chest, and shoulders. You can lift weights, or do pilates, yoga, or even garden to build your muscles. 

Find Your Support Group

Another key factor is to find support for your lifestyle changes, including dietary changes. Do you have a local gym that you can join that provides nutrition?  Does your hospital or clinic provide classes on diabetes intervention? If you live in a location where no outside help is available, check online support groups and apps. Some are free while others may jump to $79.00 a month, but you will have access to certified dieticians. 

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