A look in the mirror doesn’t lie. You have a doughnut middle section and you want it to go away.
Stomach weight is one of the hardest things to get rid of but understanding some aspects about it will help you target your diet, exercise, and lifestyle to whittle it down to normal, healthy size.
What Causes Stomach Fat?
Stomach fat becomes an issue for a lot of people in middle age.
That can be blamed on hormonal changes in both men and women.
Stress can also contribute to an expanding waistline as increased cortisone is linked with fat.
Other factors include childbirth, bad eating habits or a sedentary lifestyle all contribute to midsection weight gain.
Is Stomach Fat Harmful?
Studies indicate extra weight around the middle can be more harmful to your health than overall weight gain, although being overweight is generally unhealthy anyway.
Waistline weight is linked to heart disease and diabetes, among other ailments.
How Can I Get Rid Of It?
There are some solid ways you can battle the middle bulge but you have to be in it for the long haul.
There isn’t a magic cure. Below are three steps to get you started.
1. Eat an abundance of soluble fiber.
Soluble fiber is different from most fiber people recognize.
Soluble fiber soaks up water and creates a gel that slows down the processing of food.
This helps you feel full so you eat less.
Soluble fiber can be found in shirataki noodles, Brussels sprouts, avocados, and blackberries among other things
2. Avoid trans fats.
Trans fats are associated with heart disease, insulin resistance, and inflammation as well as abdominal fat gain.
Another label name for trans fats is partially hydrogenated fats.
3. Consume alcohol in moderation.
Studies show that overdoing it with alcoholic beverages creates belly fat, also called central obesity.
Cutting back can help reduce the size of your waistline.
You can fight the battle of the bulge by making certain lifestyle changes, particularly in your diet.
Changing your diet is the one thing that will boost your fat-burning system so other things you do,
like exercise, will see positive results.