Weight Loss

How to Burn Fat When You Can’t Exercise

For busy people, fitting exercise into your day can be challenging. Even if you’re eager to go to the gym or pound the pavement for that endorphin-boosting run, a calendar filled with work, appointments and other commitments can push exercise to the back burner. So how do you burn fat if you can’t find time to exercise? We’ve got some tips.


There’s evidence that inadequate sleep (both quantity and quality) can lead to weight gain. On the contrary, getting 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night may help you burn fat. And no, you can’t “catch up” on sleep on the weekends.

Intermittent fasting

With your doctor’s permission, try eating regularly five days a week and then fasting for two days. You don’t need to completely starve; just significantly reduce your calories and stick to things like fruits, vegetables and broth.


Incorporating more movement into your regular routine can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, gardening, dancing while you do chores or playing catch with your child. If you live close to work, consider walking or riding a bike instead of driving or taking public transportation.

Reduce sugary drinks

Besides the fact that they contain a lot of sugar, sodas and other sweet drinks typically contain no nutritional value, so they don’t fill you up. Consider swapping out your soda or energy drink with green tea or carbonated water sweetened with a little fruit.

Decrease your stress

Studies have shown that chronic stress can cause you to gain weight. The flip side of stress is that anything you can do to help reduce it may help you burn fat. That could mean trying meditation or yoga, taking warm baths or soaking in a hot tub, reading, taking naps or just enjoying time with friends and family. If you have chronic stress that appears to be affecting your health, you may want to consider seeing a therapist.

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