Weight Loss

Eggs Avocado plate

Does the Keto Diet Work for Weight Loss?

Many people are trying out the keto diet in hopes of losing weight and being healthier.

It can help you lose weight, but there is a catch. 

What is the Keto Diet?

The keto diet severely restricts carbohydrates while emphasizes high-fat foods. It calculates that 60 to 80 percent of daily calorie intake should come from fat, according to those at Mayo Clinic. 

High-fat foods include things like nuts, cheese, Greek yogurt, and fibrous vegetables. The keto diet also includes a moderate amount of proteins like meats, fish, and eggs. 

The idea is that switching from carbohydrates shifts the body from using glucose to fatty acids for energy.

The keto diet is also popular among athletes because it’s believed it will promote endurance. However, doctors state that athletes need to include some carbohydrates in their diets to use for energy.

What’s the Catch?

The downside of the keto diet is that it takes a while for it to work. Typically, it states a solid two to three weeks for your body to start burning fat for energy so there are no instant results. 

Many people get discouraged waiting for results. Their disappointment is enhanced by the fact that the keto diet is incredibly restrictive.

It’s a tough diet to follow and most doctors say an average person can’t adhere to the diet long term. 

Another problem with the keto diet is that it also limits things like whole grains, some vegetables, and fruits.

Doctors state this is the best option for health over an extended period. 

Should You Do It?

Whether or not you should try the keto diet depends on your motivation and your level of discipline.

Most nutritionists state you can incorporate elements of it, such as reducing your carbohydrates without eliminating them and maintain a healthy diet that will help you lose weight.

You should look at the restrictions and the foods allowed before starting any diet.

Determine how long you plan to stay on it and also include other elements, like regular exercise, to increase your chances of success.

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