Can chia seeds—which are considered a superfood—really help with weight loss? Although some research has indicated that they might, the results weren’t necessarily significant in terms of weight loss.
Two studies on weight loss
In a 2014 study, 26 people were split into two groups. One group ate a placebo and one group consumed 35 grams of chia flour daily. Although there was no significant weight loss after 12 weeks, people in the chia group who started the study with abnormal cholesterol levels had significantly better overall cholesterol levels at the end of the study, including an increase in “good” cholesterol.
A 2016 study looked at whether people with type 2 diabetes would see weight loss if they ate Salba chia daily. Of the 77 participants, all were on a calorie-restricted diet for 6 months, but one group ate Salba chia every day and the other group ate oat bran-based food. The oat bran group lost and an average of .66 pounds and the chia group lost 4.19 pounds. The participants who ate the chia also had a significant (average) waist circumference reduction.
So, while weight loss from eating chia seeds isn’t necessarily significant, there are other benefits.
The nutritional benefits of chia seeds
What makes chia seeds so healthy? Just 1 ounce provides a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, several antioxidants, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. These nutrients translate into:
- lowered blood pressure
- improved cholesterol
- relief from constipation
- more regular bowel movements
- better blood sugar control
- a reduction in inflammation
- thinner blood, which may help prevent clotting
The risks of chia seeds
There are very few risks to consuming chia seeds once in a while. But there are three possible hazards:
- an allergic reaction
- gastrointestinal problems (if you’re sensitive to fiber)
- an increased bleeding risk (because larger doses of omega-3s can thin the blood)
Always talk to your doctor before changing your diet significantly.