Weight Loss

Variety of spices

Can Herbs Help You Lose Weight?

The numbers are against Americans concerning weight loss. Almost two-thirds of people in the U.S. are overweight and many of those fall into the obese category. Americans dole out $33 million every year on various products to lose weight and data suggests that 45 million are dieting annually. 

There remains hope. Natural herbs can help healthy food taste better and get body functions working better.

There are two ways to use herbs for weight loss. 

1. Herbal Supplements

Herbal supplements can be effective for solid weight loss if they are whole herb formulas or are supplements specifically formulated for weight loss. These types of supplements would include herbs that work as a laxative, as a diuretic, and as digestives. Herbs that help with anti-anxiety work well too. 

Look for supplements with herbs like lemon balm, peppermint, chamomile, aniseed, and fennel. Other herbs that are diuretic include linden, dandelion, and boldo.

2. Herbs in Meals

Supplements are safe and effective but health experts say the best way to use herbs for weight loss is by including them in your diet. There are multitudes of combinations to use in meals but there are four that come to the top of the list.

Fenugreek, a plant in the legume family, helps reduce appetite and lower food intake while dieting. All it takes is to supplement your diet with eight grams of fenugreek daily. That will increase fullness and reduce hunger.

Other herbs that are helpful to losing weight include:

  • Cayenne Pepper has capsaicin in the pepper that boosts metabolism. 
  • Oregano has carvacrol and this is a powerhouse element that induces weight loss.
  • Cinnamon acts like insulin, which regulates blood sugar.
  • Cumin helps burn fat and lose weight. 

Using herbs either as supplements or in your diet are safer than chemical weight loss products and have no addictive components, making them a healthy alternative. 

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