Weight Loss

Man grabbing stomach holding takeout box

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Trying to Lose Weight

If you seem to have tried everything but still have no luck in losing weight, you are probably doing it wrong.

So, if you have tried everything from dieting to intense exercises and still have no luck in achieving your goals, here are the 5 things you should NOT do:

1. Eating fast

Eating and finishing your meals quickly does not help your digestion and metabolism.

If you are serious about losing weight, you might want to chew your food slowly and savor the taste. 

This allows your body to realize when you are full and help your digestion.

If you want to eat slowly, maybe eating with chopsticks can help, especially if you have a hard time using them. 

2. Eating too much

Eating too much, even after an intense workout, like a run, hike, or cycle does not help in losing weight.

If you want to reach your goals, you should definitely eat fewer calories than what you lost during the workout.

3. Staying up late

Lack of sleep correlates to increased food intake, which will play a significant role in increased belly fat and risks of obesity.

Although it might help burn calories, it is never a good idea to stay up late when you are on a diet. 

4. Skip meals

Contrary to popular belief, skipping meals will not help you lose weight, especially in the early stages of your journey.

Starving yourself will only encourage you to eat more on your next meal.

It is always better to eat small meals frequently than to starve yourself and eat one big meal in a day. 

5. Drinking calories

Just because something is in liquid form doesn’t mean it won’t make you gain weight.

You should definitely avoid drinking your calories. Your brain actually registers liquid differently than solid food.

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