Weight Loss

Oatmeal fruit cinnamon

4 Foods Everyone Losing Weight Needs

One of the big problems with trying to lose weight is hunger.

Your stomach is stretched so you can get hungry until you start losing weight and your body is accustomed to eating less.

You can combat hunger pains by filling up on low-calorie foods that are loaded with nutritional value.

There are plenty to choose from so here are the top four.


Oatmeal can not only fill you up and provide you with the fiber your body needs but studies indicate that
eating oatmeal helps lower both body weight and body mass index.

However, you need to make sure to add something healthy, like blueberries or other fruit, to it for taste instead of things like brown sugar or syrup.


Beans offer an excellent source of protein, are cheap and versatile.

They are starchy so they act as a good filler without all the bad effects of a true starch like potatoes or rice.

You can throw beans in a salad or soup.

Some, like chickpeas, can be made into hummus or another type of dip.

You can also trick your body by getting something like chocolate hummus to eat as a sweet treat.

It’s healthier than desserts and goes well on low-fat crackers.

Non-starchy Vegetables

Vegetables like carrots and broccoli can be great fillers because they are bulky and contain a lot of fiber.

They also are tasty raw and cooked.

The problem most people have when they eat vegetables is what they put on them.

Things like high-calorie salad dressings, cheese, and bacon are no-nos.


Rounding out the top four lists is the incredible, edible egg.

Eggs are low in calories, high in protein, and highly versatile.

That makes them a great addition to a weight-loss diet.

Just be sure to not fry them in a non-healthy, high-fat oil.

Boiling or poaching is the best way to keep the calories and fats low.

Eating more of these foods, and other filling foods will help keep your impulses and cravings in check.

That will go a long way to help you stick to your diet and lose weight.

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